Whole school

Eucalyptus display bunting numbers and letters
Letters (upper and lower case) and numbers (0-9) on triangular display bunting with a Eucalyptus theme.

Blue spots spotty display bunting numbers and letters classroom decor
Letters (upper and lower case) and numbers (0-9) on triangular display bunting with a blue spotty theme.

black and yellow metalic display bunting numbers and letters classroom decor EYFS construction area
Letters (upper and lower case) and numbers (0-9) on triangular display bunting with a yellow and black theme.
Perfect for an EYFS construction area.

colourful stripes stripy display bunting numbers and letters classroom decor
Letters (upper and lower case) and numbers (0-9) on triangular display bunting with a colourful stripy theme.

cloudy sky display bunting numbers and letters classroom decor
Letters (upper and lower case) and numbers (0-9) on triangular display bunting with a cloudy sky theme.

Calm blue display bunting numbers and letters classroom
Letters (upper and lower case) and numbers (0-9) on triangular display bunting with a calm, blue theme.

Classroom jobs display elegant/fancy chalkboard theme KS1 KS2
I laminated and cut these out and than used black ribbon to create a hanging display that can be put anywhere in my classroom.
I write the childrens’ names on the white sections with dry wipe marker so they can be quickly and easily changed,
The jobs could be easily edited to suit your classroom.